Life Coaching for men who want more time, money and energy in their lives.


The Simple Guide To ReThinking Alcohol

This simple guide has been created from the top three most popular episodes of the alcohol rethink podcast. Each episode features a simple, easy-to-follow guide to help you stop drinking, along with great resources to start changing your mindset about alcohol right away. Are you ready to rethink alcohol for the last time?

Time doesn't wait.
Alcohol is stealing it from you.

Stop missing out on today. No more starting tomorrow. Yesterday has gone already.
You were destined for more. 


Most guys struggle to stop drinking because they haven't got the right tools to help them

Does this sound familiar?
You plan your life around alcohol
You create intentions, promises and plans to 'moderate' but struggle to follow through with them
➡️ Feeling regret, shame and guilt about your drinking
➡️ Suffering in silence thinking that you have to 'fix' it yourself
➡️ Have a fear of being seen as weak, broken or having an 'alcohol problem'
➡️ Can't imagine a life without alcohol but know something has to change



The Pathway to an Alcohol-Free Life

Step One

Create awareness.
Discover why you drink and what's in the way of stopping.

Step Two

Challenge everything.
Create more reasons not to drink than drink.

Step Three

Change forever.
Take control and own your alcohol-free identity. 


I stopped drinking alcohol over 5 years ago. What started out as something I did for fun, soon became the only way I could have fun, until it wasn't fun at all. 

Alcohol had become such a huge part of my identity that I didn't know who I was anymore. After my 'rock bottom' moment in 2018 I decided that enough was enough. 

What started as a break from alcohol, turned into a career coaching men to rethink the role of alcohol in their lives.  

I'm passionate about helping break down the barriers men face in both life and sobriety. 

Stop drinking alcohol coach Patrick Fox

James Bell Testimonial

"Listen to the podcast and book yourself on to a consultation call. If you're like me then the thing that has drawn you to Patrick is how relatable he is, how much he cares and knows about the topic and how willing he is to be open and vulnerable with his thoughts and feelings. The latter is a barrier that most men have to break and its rare to see men having these conversations in this way, its so valuable in creating the space for you to be open to your feelings and vulnerabilities. If this is something that can resonate with you then I would say your guaranteed to get on well working with Patrick."

My Journey

No one's journey is ever the same when it comes to stopping drinking, it goes radically against societal norms and you have to question everything you've ever believed before.

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Coaching Programs

There are 3 ways you can work with me to radically rethink the role of alcohol in your life. Take a look at the different options by clicking on the button below to see which suits you best.

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Every Friday I release a new podcast episode that will help you to challenge your belief systems around alcohol and yourself.  Change your thinking, change your life.

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I was amazed at Patrick's ability to cut through the crap and help me get to the real thoughts and beliefs that were causing the issue and then address them in a way that I never had before. ~ Andy


Schedule a free one hour consultation with me to see how I can help you stop drinking without going to AA meetings, labelling yourself powerless or an alcoholic. 

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